Become a Season Sponsor

Join us in celebrating SFGC’s 45th Anniversary by becoming a Season Sponsor! You’ll receive special access to concerts and events all season long, and be a key part of making this historic year of performances possible. 

Your leadership support directly funds SFGC's music education programs that provide transformative moments with music for choristers.


$1,000 - Access a full season of donor events

Meet this year’s guest artists, collaborators, and composers, enjoy pre- and post-show receptions, and get a behind-the-scenes look at all things SFGC. 

$2,500 - Your ‘ticket’ to the best of SFGC

In addition to the benefits above, you’ll also receive a set of complimentary tickets with premium seating to an SFGC concert of your choice, and two tickets to SFGC’s Annual Gala celebrating SFGC’s 45th anniversary season.

$5,000 - Sponsor a SFGC concert

Help make this extraordinary year possible! In addition to all the benefits above, you will be listed as Lead Sponsor for the performance of your choice this season. You’ll also receive a set of complimentary tickets with premium seating to every single SFGC concert this year!

Additional benefits are also available at the $10,000 level and above. 

Questions and Other Ways to Give

Make your donation today online by clicking here. Have questions about Season Sponsorships? Want to make your gift in installments or through a Donor Advised Fund? Contact Development Manager, Anna Leal,

Regalos de contrapartida del empleador

Muchas empresas y corporaciones líderes fomentan las donaciones filantrópicas a organizaciones locales sin fines de lucro entre los empleados, ofreciendo generosos programas de donaciones de contrapartida que pueden duplicar o triplicar el impacto de su donación. ¿Tu empleador ofrece un programa de donaciones de contrapartida? Solicita información a tu departamento de recursos humanos. SFGC es una organización educativa sin fines de lucro elegible 501(c)(3).

Regalos de stock

El CGF recibe con gusto donaciones de valores apreciados. Haga clic aquí para descargar las instrucciones para donar acciones u otros valores.